To the members of GlobalPinoy Management Team:
My sincerest congratulations to you for your Year 2006 Theme of "
FILIPINO -- Do not buy smuggled goods. Buy local. Buy Pinoy".
My name is Alexander Lacson, author of the Book "12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Our Country". One of the 12 Little Things I discussed in the book is "Do not buy imported goods. Buy local. Buy Pilipino."
This applies also to OFWs and their families in the Philippines.
It is estimated that for 2005, around US$10.2 Billion will be the
total remittances of OFWs. However, the moment the families and relatives of OFWs receive these $10.2 Billion and start spending these monies on imported products, a big percentage of these dollar remittances immediately go out of our country. This is so because for every P100 that we spend on an imported product, at least 40% of that (or P40) will be used to pay back the company which manufactured that imported product abroad, which is most likely China.
OFWs, while abroad, must also be encouraged to buy Filipino products, if there are any, in the countries where they are based. This way, if they spend $100, part of that money will find its way back to the Philippines. It will bring more dollars to the Philippines thru the formal channel. It will strengthen our Peso as against the Dollar. It will somehow contribute to the strengthening of our Philippine economy.
Especially so if the more than 8 million OFWs and balikbayans learn this attitude.
Like the Japanese and Koreans who patrionize their products wherever they are in the world. Japanese and Koreans know this fact by heart as early as when they are in high school and college. Their governments seriously indoctrinate their people about this.
I would be glad to help your group (Global Pinoy Management Team) develop a plan to push your 2006 Theme of "Buy Pilipino". I believe that if your group would seriously do it, it can spark a "cultural revolution" of sorts, or at least a major change in the mindset of OFWs and their families, which is a substantial sector of Philippine society.
It is a noble theme for 2006. Noble because it is a big step to make many a Filipino love the Pilipino.
Indeed, we need to rebuild our Philippines as a nation piece by piece, block by block, one step at a time. Your Theme for 2006 is a giant step towards that direction.
Please continue what you are doing.
You may reach me at my office Tel Nos 840-0338 to 41 or my cell 0917-898-1358.
Again, my sincerest congratulations!
Alexander Lacson - alacsonph@yahoo.com